Eliminating Blank Spaces in SQL Server Tables

Blank spaces always needed special handling in many programming languages.

This is not an exception in the case of the SQL programming language.

In SQL Server, a variety of built-in string functions exist for assisting, among other, the developer to solve data-related problems in the case of undesired blank spaces.

However, the blank spaces scenarios vary and sometimes it is necessary to use a combination of various built-in string functions for solving the problem.

For example, consider having one or more columns within a record as the following:

An approach could be the following, using just the REPLACE built-in function like this:

Also, you could try this:

The above two approaches do not fully solve the problem of the specific blank spaces scenario.

As you can see, it started getting a little bit tricky regarding how it is possible to efficiently handle the specific blank spaces problem.

Further below I am suggesting a workaround on how to resolve such issues.

To this end, first we need to create a sample data set with a column containing blank spaces:

Now let's take a look at the data:

OK, it's time to implement the actual logic for addressing the blank spaces problem.
As it will be too complex to include the logic within a single T-SQL statement, I preferred to create a function because it will be much easier to use it again in the future and the code looks more structured.

Here's the DDL for my function:

--Function Name: NoBlankSpaces
--Purpose: Eliminate blank spaces (up to three words)
--Author: Artemakis Artemiou
--Input Parameter: Varchar(250)
--Output: Varchar(250)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[NoBlankSpaces]
@string varchar(250)
RETURNS varchar(250)

declare @part1 as varchar(100)
declare @part2 as varchar(100)
declare @part3 as varchar(100)
declare @part4 as varchar(100)
declare @temp as varchar(100)

set @part1=(rtrim(substring(@string,0,(charindex(' ',ltrim(@string))))))
set @temp=ltrim(substring(@string,(charindex(' ',@string)),len(@string)+1))

set @part2=SUBSTRING(@temp,0,CHARINDEX(' ',@temp))
set @temp=SUBSTRING(@temp,0,250)

set @part3=ltrim(SUBSTRING(@temp,CHARINDEX(' ',@temp),250))

set @string=rtrim(ltrim(@part1+' '+@part2+' '+@part3))

RETURN @string


-------------End of Function DDL-----------------

As you can see in the above DDL code, I am using a combination of the SUBSTRING, LTRIM, RTRIM and the CHARINDEX SQL Server built-in string functions for achieving my goal.

Now, let's use the function and see what the outcome will be:

Cool! No more blank spaces! :)

The combination of the SQL Server built-in functions worked great towards the solution of the blank spaces issue.

You can download the code I used for this example from here.

I hope you found this post useful.

Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments!


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