Listing all Tables of a Linked Server's Database

There are many scenarios in the DBMSs world where you might need to use a linked server between two different SQL Server instances in order to execute direct queries between them. However, the majority of T-SQL auto-complete tools have difficulties to list the objects (i.e. tables) of the linked server's database.

A way to see these objects, is to browse via SSMS's Object Explorer. What about however if you want to have a quick view of all the available tables in the linked server's database while writing your T-SQL script?

The answer is easy! You can do this by using the Information Schema Views. Below you will find a stored procedure that I created which can help you to list all the tables of linked server's database.

Here's the code:

-- Sample Code for Blog Post: Listing all Tables of a Linked Server's Database
-- Blog URL:
-- Author: Artemakis Artemiou, SQL Server MVP
-- Email Address:
-- Official Website:
-- Disclaimer: This is a sample code. Do not use it in Production Systems before properly
-- testing it. You bear sole responsibility for usage of any content of this T-SQL code. 
-- You are responsible for any loss of data, loss of peace or any damages due to usage of 
-- this code. Always take backup of your data.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DBTableInfo] (@LinkedServerName varchar(50), @DBName varchar(50))

--variables declaration
DECLARE @LinkedServerNameFiltered VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @LinkedServerNameFound int
DECLARE @DBsFound int
DECLARE @DBNameFiltered varchar(50)
DECLARE @Command nvarchar(500)

--check if specified linked server exists
SET @LinkedServerNameFiltered=QUOTENAME(@LinkedServerName);
SET @LinkedServerNameFound=0;
SET @LinkedServerNameFound=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.servers s WHERE;

--report findings
IF @LinkedServerNameFound=0
PRINT 'Error: Linked server ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered+ ' not found.';

--check if specified database exists
DECLARE @QUERY nvarchar(250);
SET @DBNameFiltered = QUOTENAME(@DBName,'''');
SET @DBsFound=0;
SET @QUERY='(SELECT @DBs=COUNT(*) FROM ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered +'.[master].sys.sysdatabases s WHERE'+@DBNameFiltered+')';
EXEC sp_executesql @QUERY, N'@DBs int OUTPUT', @DBs=@DBsFound OUTPUT;

--report findings
IF @DBsFound=0
PRINT 'Error: Database ' + @DBNameFiltered + ' not found.';

--construct dynamic T-SQL statement
SET @DBNameFiltered = QUOTENAME(@DBName);
SET @LinkedServerNameFiltered=QUOTENAME(@LinkedServerName);

SET @Command= 'SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA as TableSchema, TABLE_NAME as TableName,(''SELECT TOP 10 * FROM '+ @LinkedServerNameFiltered +'.'+ @DBNameFiltered +'.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)) as SampleQuery
FROM ' + @LinkedServerNameFiltered+'.' + @DBNameFiltered+'.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES i WHERE i.TABLE_TYPE LIKE ''%TABLE%'' ORDER BY 1';

--execute the command
EXEC sp_executesql @command;


You can call the stored procedure as follows:



The stored procedure displays three columns for each record: (i) Table Schema, (ii) Table Name, (iii) A sample query that can be executed and returns the top 10 rows for the specific table.

Sample output of the stored procedure:

Figure 1: Sample Output of the DBTableInfo Stored Procedure.

You can also download the stored procedure using the following link.

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