Consider the following scenario: You created a Window or SQL login in SQL Server and in the user mapping along with assigning a database role membership, you assigned as default schema something different than the “dbo”.
” has been assigned the database role “db_owner” on the database “SampleDB1” but along with that, “testLogin”
If however, for any reason you want to remove “testLogin” from the SQL Server instance you will not be able to do it because the login, through its schema, will own database objects.
A sample logic that could do that would be:
--User Option 1: Set the database (in this example "SampleDB1")
USE SampleDB1
--Variable declarations
DECLARE @currentSchema VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @newSchema VARCHAR(100)
--User Options 2 and 3: set the current schema and the new schema
--to which you want to transfer the selected database's objects
--in this example current schema='testLogin' and new schema='dbo'
SET @currentSchema='testLogin'
SET @newSchema='dbo'
SET @schemaID=(SELECT [schema_id] FROM sys.schemas WHERE [name]=@currentSchema)
--The actual logic
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Statements') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Statements
CREATE TABLE #Statements(
ScriptToRun VARCHAR(200)
--Generate statements for all user tables
INSERT INTO #Statements
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA ' + @newSchema + ' TRANSFER ' + @currentSchema + '.' + [name]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='U' AND [schema_id]=@schemaID
--Generate statements for all user views
INSERT INTO #Statements
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA ' + @newSchema + ' TRANSFER ' + @currentSchema + '.' + [name]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='V' AND [schema_id]=@schemaID
--Generate statements for all stored procedures
INSERT INTO #Statements
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA ' + @newSchema + ' TRANSFER ' + @currentSchema + '.' + [name]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='P' AND [schema_id]=@schemaID
--Generate statements for all scalar functions
INSERT INTO #Statements
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA ' + @newSchema + ' TRANSFER ' + @currentSchema + '.' + [name]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='FN' AND [schema_id]=@schemaID
--Generate statements for all table-valued-functions
INSERT INTO #Statements
SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA ' + @newSchema + ' TRANSFER ' + @currentSchema + '.' + [name]
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type='TF' AND [schema_id]=@schemaID
--Set "Results to Text" (Ctrl + T)
SELECT * FROM #Statements
Then, if you want to proceed with the transfer of ownership you can use the generated "ScriptToRun", that is the contents of the temporary table #Statements.
Note 1: As all posts in this blog, this post is provided as-is and for educational purposes only. Do not play with your Production environments if you do not know what you are doing and of course, always take backups of your data.
Note 2: In the above logic we searched for user tables and views, stored procedures and scalar/table-valued functions. You can search for even more database object types in a similar way (more info in
one of my previous posts).