In-Memory OLTP Simulator Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What are the differences between the Community and Ultimate Editions?
    The Community Edition which is free, allows running only the six standard scenarios available in the tool. The Ultimate Edition in addition to the basic functionality it allows to create and use custom simulation scenarios, generate and use multiple simulation databases as well as access the Executive Report functionality.
  • Can I modify standard scenarios?
    Standard scenarios cannot be modified neither in the Community or the Ultimate Editions. However, as an additional functionality for all users of the tool, the use can change the number of records for all standard scenarios with maximum number 1 million records.
  • Can I change the number of records for standard scenarios?
    Yes, you can change the number of records for standard scenarios within the range of 100K – 1M records. You can perform this action from Configure - Scenario Manager.
  • What are the system requirements for using In-Memory OLTP Simulator?
    You can find all system requirements at the download page of the tool at:
  • Can I generate and connect to multiple Simulator databases?
    Yes, you can do this in the Ultimate Edition.
  • In case a simulation is taking too long can I interrupt it?
    You can forcibly stop the simulation using the functionality provided under the “Emergency” menu. I.e. you can choose to “Stop Simulation” as well as “Drop Scenario” in order to free-up any resources occupied by the scenario’s execution.
  • What does “Initialize Scenario” do?
    It creates all the data structures as defined in the selected simulation scenario’s definition as well as it prepares the data to be processed (i.e. sample data generation, or data from other sources).
  • What is “Disk-Based” mode?
    In Disk-Based execution mode, all tables are stored in disk storage. This is the “traditional” execution mode which can be found in all Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMs). The Disk-Based mode is considered as the baseline for all simulations.
  • What is “Memory-Optimized” mode?
    In Memory-Optimized execution mode, all tables are loaded and processed in-memory. Under this mode, memory-optimized tables can be also combined with disk-based tables if this better suits the user’s needs.
  • What is “Memory-Optimized” with “Natively-Compiled Stored Procedure” mode?
    In Memory-Optimized with Natively-Compiled Stored Procedure execution mode, the full power of SQL Server® In-Memory OLTP Engine is being utilized. Along with the memory-optimized data structures, a new special type of SQL Server® stored procedure is used. Natively compiled stored procedures are compiled when they are created (in contrast to the disk-based stored procedures where they are compiled at their first execution) thus achieving significantly faster execution.

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